Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Revolutionary "Snack Committee"

The time has come for another week of Vacation Bible School, and I can't wait to be a counselor again! Except, this year, I'm not just a counselor. I've been chosen to be a part of the "Snack Committee." One major aspect of the snacks during VBS is that they have to go along with the overarching theme of the day, so the snack items are listed as a part of the program. This could be something like "Masterpiece Munchies," which is decorating sugar cookies with frosting, sprinkles, etc, (showing that even though you're different, Jesus loves you). Along with the 4 other adults in the snack committee, our job was to find allergy-friendly substitutes for some of the ingredients for each day. But the thing I like the best about it is that EVERYONE is having the allergy-friendly version, so no one feels left out at all. I remember so many times when growing up where I'd go to parties and programs that might have had allergy friendly options, but everyone else was still eating something else. Even though I accepted this as a part of my life, I couldn't help but wish I could be like everyone else sometimes.

This revolutionary idea of everyone eating something that is safe makes me that much more excited to be a part of it! I can't wait to tell the children with food allergies that the snacks are safe for them and see the looks on their faces, for those expressions are the reason why I joined this committee. Not for myself and so that I can have a safe snack, but to see the pure excitement and relief on their faces as they realize they can have a safe snack.

I can't wait for it to begin tomorrow, and I hope the kids are as excited as I am!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Slice of Cake

The other day in my math class, two Junior girls walked in and gave my teacher a slice of cake. My teacher thanked them, and once they left, he immediately put it in his closet. He explained himself by saying that he hates eating in front of other people that aren't eating. Multiple people told them that they didn't care, and as the class broke out in chatter about it, I said, to no one in particular, "Eh I'm used to it." One girl turned around to me with a dropped jaw and said to me "Aw Allison, that's so sad...!"

But that statement was not meant to be sad or make it seem like I wanted pity. It was a simple side comment that was nothing but a fact. I think that's something that not a lot of people understand. Sure, having food allergies can be emotional, but for me, its just become a way of life. It has never been any other way for me, and honestly, I don't want it any other way right now. I've learned so much about myself because of the situations and experiences I've had with my food allergies; if I was ever given the opportunity to restart my life without them, I would never take it. I eventually want to grow out of my food allergies, the sooner the better, but who wouldn't? However, I wouldn't ask for them to have never existed.

I know I've written this before, but when I was younger and didn't yet understand that food allergies have shaped my life, I frequently asked my mom, "why me?" She always reassured me with a simple statement: that there's a special plan for me and that someday it would make sense. As I've gotten older and matured, it all does make sense now. I find myself excited to inspire others to be who they are despite their food allergies, because no matter what labels we have to read or foods we have to avoid, we are normal, every-day people, just like everyone else. I recently reached over 10,000 page views on my blog, and it suddenly became apparent to me: this is my special plan. This blog and all of my readers, despite their small numbers, are part of why my I'm here. Because even though I may not have hundreds of readers everyday, if I help one person and inspire one life, then this is all worth it.

Thank you guys for helping me find my purpose.
